30 March 2015

Plans and Locusts

Thanks for dropping by, I hope all is going well in your world :-)

Have you had those moments when the lightbulb goes off?  I'm not talking about a power cut, here - I mean that second when the penny drops, the light blinds you and you suddenly come to an earth-shattering realisation.
I had a couple recently - although not quite enough to register on the Richter scale.  And I got excited. I realised that a couple of promises I was given years ago have actually come to pass. Let me explain.
At the end of 2012, our circumstances were such that we had to move house.  The rental house we were in was sold; and with the offspring moving out, and a stack of bills/debts, we were not able to stay in the city we lived in.  Around about the same time, a small flat became available in a town about 40 minutes drive away.  My inital reaction was Nuh-Uh.  No way!  Absolutely not!!  Among other reasons, we would be going from a 3-bedroom house with gas heating, garage for storage, and a decent fenced yard, to a one-bedroomed self-contained flat with no heating.  Period.  Plus it meant longer travel time to work. And the town wasn't exactly the greatest place in the area. So, after lengthy discussions, I told Wookieeman "No", and went to bed.  And thought.

The next morning, I went out to the dining room where my hubby was, and said to him, "OK, let's do it."  His response? "Are you serious??  Who are you and what have you done with my wife??"

You see, my mind was made up that there was no way on God's green earth I was interesting in living in the small town. But the maker of said green earth had other ideas, and wouldn't let me have a closed mind about it.  

So how does all this tie in with promises? What promise am I waffling on about? 

 Jeremiah 29:11-12

That one.

We have been living in said one-bedroomed self-contained flat since November 2012.  It's been a huge adjustment for me - WookieeMan has lived here before, so it wasn't so difficult for him.  But since we've been here, we have experienced times of trials and troubles.  Such as:
Being on one income for about six months:  If we had stayed in the city, we would not have survived financially. 
Selling one car, and relying on one for both of us:  The car we sold belonged to the DP, who asked us to sell it.  While it did create an inconvenience, it was one less vehicle that needed warrants, rego, running costs, etc.  It also meant I had to start using the local bus transport, which was not always a wonderful experience.  But it left our car available for WookieeMan as he continued on his recovery journey.
Financial recovery:  When we moved here, paying the bills was a big struggle; the power bill was in the high hundreds, and the phone bill wasn't far behind.  We had to learn to cut back and live within our means.  We have awesome friends and family - including our church - who helped us occasionally, but it was a huge learning experience.  Thanks to tips and techniques we learnt through CAP Money (www.CAPmoney.org), we DID it!! And we are still heading in the right direction - praise God!  As a bonus, our power bill has been in credit, and the phone bill is also heading that way.  Woop woop!!!!

While I was a member of the Salvation Army, we had an interesting period where for about 4 weeks our officer (pastor) tried to deliver his sermon.  And for 4 weeks, the Spirit wouldn't let him.  It was a time of revelations, healings, teachings, etc... including, for me, the following promise:
Joel 2:25
25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten — 
 the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm..."

If you've read my earlier posts, you'll be aware that my formative years and beyond were not all laughter and roses.  Anything but.  So there was a lot of "locust damage" hanging around.  But God brought people to me to help in all sorts of ways:  not only to provide guidance, friendship and love, but also to teach me about love, respect, acceptance, judgement, honesty, truth and worth.

By far, one of the most influential people the Lord has given me ... is my husband.  We have both learnt a lot about and from each other, and about and from others.  Very recently, an incident occured that left me concerned about how he would react to it; past history with my father - not good - about a similar event was very much in the back of my mind.  But WookieeMan was wonderful.  He looked after me, and did everything he could to SHOW me that while it was a biggie, the outcome certainly could have been a whole lot worse, and that it's ok.  I was like, "huh??  You have every right to be fuming mad, but you're not.  How does that work, again?"

Friends, that right there was some major healing for a whole lot of my locust damage. And there have been other healing times with him.  He loves me for the person that God made me to be. And I am more important to him that anything else, except our Lord.  We've been married aince 2009 years.  He's 8 years my junior.  And he is more of a man than anyone I have ever known.  

I thank God so very much for the gift of my WookieeMan.  Neither of us have any doubt that God brought us together for reasons known only to Him.

If you don't believe what I say about the promises, hey - that's cool.  But you are more than welcome to find out for yourself.  I've been talking to a good friend of mine recently, who I would say is an agnostic.  But she listens to what I have to say, without giving me a slap upside the head (for which I am very grateful!)  And I'd like to share something that I shared with her:

My bible has this commentary for John 20:24-28:  "Some people need to doubt before they believe.  If doubt leads to questions, questions lead to answers, and the answers are accepted, then doubt has done good work.  It is when doubt becomes stubborness and stubbornness becomes a lifestyle, that doubt harms faith.  When you doubt, don't stop there.  Let your doubt deepen your faith as you continue to search for the answer."

Don'tcha just LOVE it when we're given the OK to explore, and question?  That's how we learn.  And when we join the flock, it will be because we know that's where we're meant to be - not because someone says we have to.


Now I want you to head out there, and have one of the BEST days of your life!!  And I'll see you later!!

See you back here real soon!!


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